spirit_white -- A skybox for Quake 3 Arena, all the other id Tech3-based games and Quake2World GENEREAL INFO ================== SKYBOX NAME : spirit_white ARCHIVE NAME : skybox_spirit_white.zip DESCRIPTION : As the name implies, it's a completely white. Useful for abstract stuff like architecture models build in the Quake engine. :P BASE : none RELEASE DATE : september 21, 2016 LICENSE : WTFPL, http://sam.zoy.org/wtfpl/ Scroll down to the bottom of this file to read the complete license. TRIVIA ======= STUFF USED : * Gimp USING THIS SKYBOX IN YOUR MAP ============================== * I Will assume that your map is called "mymap" for the following instructions. Replace this with your map's name. * I will assume that you didn't rename the skybox files for the following instructions. You're free to do that, of course (see the license). WARNING: Before copying the files make sure that you don't accidently overwrite files you need (like an existing Q3A shader file for your map)! QUAKE 3 ARENA: * Navigate to the 'result/quake3/' directory of this archive and copy the 'env/', 'textures/' and 'scipts/' directories to your 'quake3/baseq3/' directory. * If you haven't done that already , you need to add the name of your map to your 'quake3/baseq3/scripts/shaderlist.txt' file. * Restart the GTkRadiant map editor (if it was started) to reload the shaders. * Apply the 'mymap/skybox1' shader to your skybox. * You're done. * NOTE: You will need to rename the shader file and edit its contents if your map is not named 'mymap' (which is very likely)! You should also rename the other directories ('env/mymap' and 'textures/mymap') and adapt the paths in the shader file accordingly in that case. QUAKE2WORLD: * Navigate to the 'result/quake3/' directory of this archive and copy the 'env/' directory to your 'quake2world/default/' directory. * Apply any texture you like to your skybox ('common/white' will do) and check the 'sky' and 'nodraw' surface flags in the Surface Inspector. * In the worldspawn entity of your map, define a new key: key : sky value : mymap/skybox_ * You're done. :) AUTHOR INFO ============ NAME : spirit CONTACT : see http://rcmd.org/contact/ or http://www.airrocket.net/ WWW : http://maps.rcmd.org Copyright / Permissions / Full License Text ============================================= DO WHAT THE FUCK YOU WANT TO PUBLIC LICENSE Version 2, December 2004 Copyright (C) 2004 Sam Hocevar 14 rue de Plaisance, 75014 Paris, France Everyone is permitted to copy and distribute verbatim or modified copies of this license document, and changing it is allowed as long as the name is changed. DO WHAT THE FUCK YOU WANT TO PUBLIC LICENSE TERMS AND CONDITIONS FOR COPYING, DISTRIBUTION AND MODIFICATION 0. You just DO WHAT THE FUCK YOU WANT TO.